EMIC brings local ethnic minority people together to shape their own futures. We seek to better engage the community through working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by special interests, backgrounds, similar experiences or geographical proximity to address issue affecting their wellbeing and to achieve long-term and sustainable outcomes,
EMIC works by involving ethnic minority communities and giving them a voice. We find this way of working essential for understanding our community’s needs and harnessing the talents and ambitions of the local ethnic minority people. This ongoing process of participation unlocks the power within our communities and is invaluable in ensuring ethnic minority individuals are part of our journey.
EMIC uses a community engagement approach as it is both cost effective and leads to improved health and wellbeing by.
- Using local people’s experiential knowledge to design or improve services, leading to more appropriate, effective, cost-effective and sustainable services
- Empowering people by giving them opportunities to co-produce services
- Increasing confidence, self-esteem and self-efficacy and gives people an increased sense of control over decisions affecting their lives
- Building more trust in government bodies by improving accountability and democratic renewal
- Contributing to developing and sustaining social capital and community cohesion
- Encouraging health-enhancing attitudes and behaviours
One example of this way of working is our CommUnity table project which started last year.
ComUnity Table
The Canterbury CommUnity Table project uses the simple act of sharing food to help combat loneliness and isolation, learn more about each other’s cultures and tradition and in turn improve community cohesion. It provides an opportunity for people to get together to build friendships and to network with people they would otherwise have not met. We use the premise that eating with others provides both social and individual benefits and that those who eat socially more often feel happier, more satisfied with life, more trusting of others and are more engaged with their local communities.